Bona Water Based Coatings

About Bona Water Based Coatings in Perth, WA from VCS

Best in Class – Waterborne Coatings

Bona literally re-defined the art of coating timber floors when they released waterborne coatings for timber floors that offered the wear characteristics that homes really needed. Many old timers will tell you that you cannot use waterborne coatings because they aren’t very tough – and in many cases they have a point. Few companies have been able to crack the formula for the manufacture of coatings that offer real wear resistance in a waterborne product. Happily Bona did just that.

There are many reasons for choosing Bona water based coatings for your floor. The primary reasons focus on appearance and colour.

Floors finished in clear coatings appear brighter and clearer. Traditional solvent based coatings dry with a slight yellow tinge and this colouring continues to take on a yellow shade as the floors age. With waterborne coatings the yellow tinge simply isn’t in the coating: they are clear. The floor appears a natural shade. You focus on the timber, not the coating.

In the accompanying pages you will see a number of Bona products, including the Bona water based coatings available at our Perth warehouse. Because Bona is committed to Australia and our local timbers you will note that they have developed two primers to allow for the diverse colouring and rich tannin contents in some of our local species such as NSW Blackbutt. The coatings are amazingly easy to use and are very tough.


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VCS are a West Australian Company supplying quality timber floors throughout WA. Make VCS Products your choice for quality timber flooring in Perth and throughout WA.

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