OSMO OIL Floor Maintenance Program
- Monthly Cleaning:
To keep your OSMO OIL coated floor clean and well-maintained, it is essential to perform a monthly wash using the ‘OSMO Wash and Care’. This will not only keep the surface clean, but also extend the life of the OSMO OIL coating.
- Dust and Grit Control:
Dust and grit can degrade the quality and appearance of your OSMO OIL coated floor. To keep dust and grit to a minimum, it is advised that you use entry mats at all key entrances and exits. This will help trap the dust and grit from shoes before it reaches your floor. Regular cleaning with a soft brush is also advisable to remove any dust and grit that has accumulated on the floor.
- Light Application of OSMO Liquid Wax Cleaner:
When your floor begins to show signs of wear, a light application of ‘OSMO Liquid Wax Cleaner’ can help restore its original shine and finish. This product is designed to top up the floor and fill in any scratches or marks that have appeared over time.
- Periodic Maintenance Oil Application:
After several years of use, your floor may need a more thorough refresh. This can be achieved by giving the floor a thorough clean, followed by a coat of ‘OSMO Maintenance Oil’. This will not only refresh the floor’s appearance but also provide an additional layer of protection to the existing OSMO OIL coating.
By following this maintenance program, you can ensure that your OSMO OIL coated floor remains in optimal condition for many years to come. Remember, a well-maintained floor not only looks better but also lasts longer.